Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pink Panther

Pink Panther

Peter Sellers is probably rolling in his grave. Not to mention Blake Edwards, the mastermind behind the original Inspector Jacques Clouseau. This film is not worth the stock it was filmed on. The entire movie seems to be factored around showing how much of an idiot Inspector Clouseau is instead of having an actual plot. Greed has to be the only reason Steve Martin accepted this role. I guess after Cheaper by the Dozen 2 seemingly flopped, Martin decided to ruin a cult classic for future generations. Being a fan of the original movies and cartoon, I may tend to be a little bias. But I believe there are movies that shouldn’t be touched. The Pink Panther is one of them. The director, Shawn Levy, should be shot for shooting this film. Last but not least, I can’t finish without talking about Beyoncé. Many of you, who haven’t read my column before, may not know this term. But believe me, “better actor/actress than singer” (or vice versa) will come up very often. In this case, Beyoncé is definitely a better singer than actress. At least she made it through the entire film without getting kicked in the face. Grade D


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